Jitsi Meet Service;

Jisti Meet is a web-based audio/video conferencing service that can be used by any Luon users as well as any other person you would like to have a one-on-one or multiparty conference with.

For more information about Jitsi Meet, see: jitsi.org/jitsi-meet.


To start a conference, go to landing page at meet.luon.net, pick a random or specific room name and press “Go”. When pressed, the browser will redirect to an URL like https://meet.luon.net/roomname where the conference will be held. This URL can be provided to anyone you’d like to invite. It is also possible to start a conference immediately by going to an URL like https://meet.luon.net/JustInTime.

Because we have no authentication system hooked up yet, the first user that enteres the conference will be the moderator. The moderator can mute and kick other people, set the room password and can also direct who all the participants see if desired. If the moderator leaves the conference, the second user to enter the room will become the moderator, etc.

When everyone leaves the room, the conference and room will stop to exist. All settings such as passwords will be lost.



Jisti Meet is quite user-friendly. Feel free to try out all the buttons 🙂.

Below are some features that are less obvious/discoverable and might be nice to know: